Friday, September 18, 2009

The Sweaty Days

Magic MaJo

The CP Team

Watching soccer and teaching English

On guard

Suprising enough, you get used to guys running around with automatic weapons

St. Albert representin'

Just part of the trail

Lena bustin out some yoga up at CP. She probably has her zen sweat mustache on.

2 ways to get here... walk or chopper.

This place rocks.

weee! weeeee! ... piggies gone wild

Banana break.

pssstt... stop shitting on the path that we walk on.

Alfredo.. our trusty guide.

There´s the heli-pad... that would have been alot easier.

From the military look out point.

Lena and Sharman are happy to have practiced running stairs in the river valley.

Congo man. Carried the girls across the river.. and creeped them out.

Nicole busting out some stares.

Happy Birthday Grandma.

A video for you!


  1. sweet pics MAJO. I am doing that one day for sure

  2. Did buddy let you shoot that thing?

  3. something about the way you're holding that gun makes me excited to see you in a couple of weeks.
