Sunday, September 6, 2009

Ciudad Perdida

After 40 hours of busing and a quick plane ride I´m just outside of Santa Marta in a small town called Taganga.. there is super cheap scuba training here...but more importantly... it´s the portal to the lost city of Cuidad Perdida... Give it a google if you havent heard of it... I´m heading there tomorrow for a 6 day hike... It´s supposed to be pretty intense.. I´ve met up with Sharman and Lena and we´re gonna test our might.. it´s nice to have a taste of home here.

So I was walking by myself last night back to my hostle and some dude followed me down the alley... At first I thought he was gonna be one of the many dudes trying to offer me cocaine.. so I attemped to ignore him.. he was persistant and ran infront of me.. ¨Robb you!¨ said the bad guy... he was hiding a knife or something in his hand under a shirt... I played dumb for a bit.. but he wouldnt let up on my ignorance... so I threw some Pesos (about 2 bucks Canadian) that I had in my pocket on the ground and started walking away.. he grabbed the money and ran infront of me again and pushed me with his free arm.. I think he wanted more...

He was smaller than me and I was questioning if he even had a weapon on him or if he was faking it... I had all my stuff in my money belt hiden under my clothes and he was getting aggressive... He asked for my leather wrist band that Craig Savich gave me.. I love that thing.. so that´s when I told him to go fuck a sock... taking advantage of the language barrier between us.. I gave him my best death glare and I turned around and walked back towards the busy area by the beach... and as I did he scurried off into the shadows with my 2 bucks. I´ve decided that even though I hate him.. I love him... bless his little heart.

Anyways... the bus trip here there were some super cool views.. Colombia is quite amazing. On the way here I´ve met lots of cool travellers that I´ll keep in touch with.

Lesson 1 - dont walk down alleys by yourself.. and if you do.. have 2 bucks separate from shitloads of cash hidden in your pants. After the hike we plan to do some R & R at the beach..

Here is a better pic of the chops.. what kind of fool would mess with these puppys anyways? That´s Michelle with me.. very cool.



  1. glad to know you and the chops are okay.

  2. Unbelievable and Nice job. That leather thing is definitely worth your life?? I saw Lena a few days ago. Had no idea columbia was good for scuba, I hope you are planning on doing some of that.

  3. Great story MAJO... i wouldn't mess with the Wolverine either...

  4. Dud I wasnt for the chops all that much but if they can be used to save your life then chop away I say :) Kidding although I would look into getting titanium claw implants to go along with the look that way no one will mess with you...ever and then even if they do your powers of self healing will come into play ;)
    I love the blog man keep up the good work!
