Saturday, October 17, 2009

Grampa Fight

I'm in Peru right now in Lima.

Last night at the hostel I met a 58 year old grandpa from Pittsburg named Barry. He is on his pention and spends less money than he makes as he travels. He was a talkative fellow in the dorm room and very friendly.

There were three of us solo travellers that decided to go for a beer.. being Friday night and all. So Grandpa Barry, a 25 year old South Korean virgin named Tommy and I (with my new mohawk) hit the square. Lima didn't see it coming.

The first drinks were in a bar that had cheesy girls that came and talked you that worked there.. then they wanted you to buy them drinks.

Next we went to the bar on the roof of our hostel. As we sat on the open window Barry started squinting and complaining... I looked over and I noticed a red light on his face. He spotted a grey haired man 150 yards away in his 60's by a fountain with a red light laser pointer. He instantly threw up two fingers to him out the window and stared at the man as the man walked away. He was pissed and had no problem telling us all about.

We finished our beer and left the bar. Immediately Barry started speed walking and got ahead of us; he was tracking his prey. We decided we should follow him incase he got into some kind of trouble. He cut across traffic and we briefly lost him down a busy strip of restaurants. When we finally caught up he had actually found the man with the laser and began to call him out of the patio for a fight.

The man confessed to having a laser pointer and then said 'so what?' Barry lost it.. snapped.. cold cocked the guy in the middle of the patio on a busy area. While Tommy and I were saying 'WTF'.. Grandpa Barry was threating this man's life and trying to chased him swinging at him as the other man was threatening to press charges..

'You assulted my with a laser you son of a bitch! That's illegal!'. Being the guy that knew him the longest I had to grab him and try to calm him down. He would pretend to calm down then all-of-a-sudden dive towards him swearing. Security had arrived tell him the cops were coming when he finally decided to leave.

When we talked with Barry afterwards he was laughing and proud that he had scared the other man. Tommy and I kinda looked awkwardly at each thinking he was nuts. Tommy and I went for a beer and Barry wanted to stay put standing at the wall and waiting for the man... we didnt wanna encourage him any further and wait.

When I got back to the hostel... there sat Barry with a completely different outfit on. He had shaved his beard and had his bags packed. Apparently he went back to try to fight the guy again. 'I'm sick of being the fucking nice guy!' Barry calmly explained. When he went back the other man, the other man had video tapped Barry barking at him and had called the cops.

Barry, who was going to stay in Lima to teach English to the children for a few months, had left the very next day.

We saw the other man on the way home from our beer.

He was okay.

Just a night out in Lima.

I'll update more soon.. just wanted to share that story..

The Meaning: Don't Barry, be happy.


  1. Hey Majo - I'm digging the blog, keep up the posts, always a good read.

    Sounds like some good stories you're collecting. Also crazy you ran into Meghan's bro down there..

  2. Sounds like this guy was a blue Barry.

  3. was barry drinking any combination of rye or the South American equivalent of rye?

  4. What*&%%%$#&??? I couldn't help it.. I was laughing out loud.. poor Grampa Barry.. had a screw loose. I like your pics of sand surfing and sang yoga in Bolivia, seems much safer than Highway of Death. Hey I am learning Sacred Geometry Healing Energy, and it is unreal! Now I know what I could have done with my tingling fingers in Cusco.. (umm, that sounded kind of weird)

    Take Care.. Namaste... Melissa
