Friday, April 9, 2010


Hey friends...

You're probably wondering why I haven't updated this badboy in awhile. I'm some issues with uploading photos with my camera. It might have a virus or something from using slutty computers. However, what I'm doing is making a movie of my trip and at least the second half will be a suprise.

I'll have lots of good stories for you... but to give you a quick update..

I went to a surf camp for New Years in Agentina.. Volunteered at a Buddhist farm for 2 months near Mendoza.. Meet lots of cool people between earthquakes.. Felt the big Chile one in Mendoza.. my bed was like the Exorcist... ummm.. felt 5 more in Chile waiting for my flight to Mexico.. I'll be home on April 26th after a 3 day Mexican wedding... see you soon